
Royal Hallamshire Baby Room

Our nursery has an under 2’s area which consists of the Snowdrops rooms. The rooms are friendly and inviting and have activities and experiences all on a child’s level to ensure we stimulate their young minds.

All the Snowdrops rooms focus on the three prime areas. Within these areas they is a creative, let’s explore, construction, role play and cosy area. All children will have the opportunity to experience all of these areas as well as outdoor play throughout the day.

All the children in Snowdrops are encouraged to experience play in a way they feel most comfortable.  Staff will provide opportunities for free play, structured play and gross and fine motor play, whilst still ensuring they feel nurtured, safe and cared for.

They will have daily experiences with sensory equipment which is designed to develop manipulative skills, imagination and problem solving.

All Snowdrops rooms have three main play areas.  These are Creative, Let’s Explore and the Cosy Area.  All children will have the opportunity to experience all of these areas as well as outdoor play throughout the day.

Key Person

Every child will have their own Key Person who will work closely with each child, building relationships with them and their parents. This person will build on each child’s development and will be available to discuss the child with the parents at open evenings.


Each area in Snowdrops has a continuous provision sheet for that particular area. The staff undertake planning every two weeks which is based around the children’s individual interests and next steps. We carry out characteristics of learning observations and detailed observations on every child and spontaneous observations are done regular. This is in line with the EYFS Framework.

Parents/Carers Observation

We very much appreciate home observations from parents and carers. The home observations are useful for staff to get an insight into what your child enjoys at home and are used in our planning and as a part of involving parents/carers.

Development Milestones

Babies/toddlers are constantly learning and developing new skills.  In Snowdrops, we find that the children often learn to crawl, stand, walk, and learn to recognise familiar voices and words. The development of children’s balance, gross and fine motor skills will usually take place whist also in Snowdrops.  We always encourage independence, which includes feeding them-selves.  Social activities such as group time, singing, story and music and movement are encouraged daily to help develop their social skills.

We support and encourage all children in Snowdrops to reach their full potential.